Monday, August 13, 2012

79 Days To Go...

¡hola familia! it has been a crazy week but it has been fun. i get along really well with my new companion, elder syddall. i took pictures with him but for some reason, i can´t send the pictures on this computer and that really bothers me... oh well. things are going well and i know that we are going to have a ton of success this transfer. i am thinking that i am going to be finishing my mission with elder syddall. crazy thought. he is half samoan, half tongan. he was born in new zealand, lives in california and he plays the ukulele. he was the missionary in allen that got cut in the face by some anti american and he almost died. you can probably see something in the news about it. he has an awesome scar. we got a reference for a woman that is the girlfriend of a guy that isnt going to church but he wanted us to pass by because he knew that we could help her. recently, her niece passed away and she didn´t understand why things like that would happen. we taught her about the plan of salvation and it was an awesome lesson. with elder syddall we teach really well. afterwards her boyfriend explained to her about blessings and she asked us for one so she could feel better. she told us that she felt really calm and she felt good about everything. during the blessing, paola had a very warm feeling. we set a baptismal date for the first of september. i don´t know when we will have our zone conference with elder zeballos but we are going to have one conference this friday with just president lovell. i talked with him and he said that he can do my interview afterwards to get my ecclesiastical endorsement. he says that he only has to go over the moral code with me so it should go well. there have been quite a few changes in the zone and we are really excited. all of the sister missionaries are going to train new missionaries. elder syddall is really excited to start as a zone leader and i have been going over a few things with him. he has a lot of energy and it is fun working with him. on sunday, gabriel went to church and he brought his mom and his little brother that are already members but haven´t been attending. gabriel still hasn´t prayed yet and we are thinking he is scared of his answer. during sacrament meeting, the bishop asked for a few testimonies from my comp, and other members, and all of the testimonies were about how God listens to us and answers our prayers. pretty direct. gabriel offered to go with the youth of our ward to visit the temple in buenos aires before they rededicate it. that should be an awesome experience for him. azul and mili finally made it to church as well! they loved it and they were so excited to be there. they got along with all of the other girls too and are looking forward to next week. it has been a week since we went by their house because of all of the changes and we didn´t have time to go to their neighborhood in parque industrial. when we got there, the girls dropped the cane and told us we needed to visit more often. they are 10 and 7 and they love praying, reading the scriptures and singing hymns. we just need to get their mom to go to church too but it is hard for her. she is very supportive of the girls and wants them to go to church. one sister in our ward brought them on sunday and they were all very happy. brother nuñez did baptize his family and it was very special. they are active in the church. he blessed the sacrament on sunday for the first time and he taught the class in priesthood. his daughter jenifer is getting baptized on the 25th of august. i haven´t got my package yet but i haven´t heard anything from my district leader. the bolsa goes to him. omar finally had his operation on his shoulder and he is feeling better. he has a fecha for the first of septiembre to get baptized, and we found a guy named alexis from paraguay that now has a fecha as well. we are very excited because we feel like we are really progressing. last night the bishop invited us over to his house and we talked about a ward mission plan to help have more baptisms in the ward and reactivate more members. we are really looking forward to this next week! sorry i could´t show any pictures this week. maybe some other day. i hope everything goes awesome for you guys this week and i´m excited to see more of your pictures! i love you all. thank you for your letters! con mucho amor y ánimo, elder summers

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