Tuesday, July 31, 2012

93 Days to go...

¡hola familia! i remembered my camera this week but my batteries just died... i`m sorry! i took some awesome pictures too... :( oh well. this week has been very special, and we have had our bummers. in the familia nuñez, the parents got married on friday and our ward had a reception for them in the church on saturday. yesterday, the father received the sacerdocio and will be able to baptize his family next saturday. the ward is thrilled and very happy to have their family in the church. florencia did not get baptized because her dad says that she is too immature to get baptized and needs to wait a few years more. that was our bummer. we are thinking about a member that we can bring to their house to be able to change his mind and help him see that florencia is ready and that she really wants to. the think about florencia is that in all aspects of her life, she isn`t too thrilled about things and she sits at home all day on facebook. kind of a wierd personality so her father is right in some ways. since i met flor, she has been progressing a lot. we haven`t been able to talk a lot with them this weekend because we travelled to 25 de mayo for 2 baptismal interviews on friday and when we got back on saturday, her family went to chocòn. pucha. it was a good trip though and the missionaries there had their baptisms. i gave a talk in church yesterday too. i talked about the importance of unity in our ward and with missionary work. everyone working together. i felt really good about it. it is a topic that i have been thinking a lot about because we can`t work effectively if we don`t work together. that includes me and my comp, and all of the missionaries in my zone. i have been thinking about my zone`s needs and with my companion we read 1 corintios 12 that talks about the body of Christ. we make up the body and we can`t function if we are incomplete. i also liked DyC 38:27. sed uno, si no sois uno, no sois mios. es poderoso. unity is critical. today is my companions` last pday, so we went to buy a few souvenirs for his family and now we are going to play bowling with our district. i`m excited for that too. i will buy some more batteries today for my camera. this week is going to go very well. we are going to have a few conferences too because we are going to have a training session with our zone and we will have another conference with the other zone leaders of the mission on thursday. i am excited and we are preparing some cool stuff to do. it is getting pretty cold, but my things are holding up. my sleeping bag is very warm, asi que no se preocupen. hoy rompi un pantalon pero voy a arreglarlo. oh y el lunes comimos tacos con esa familia estadounidense. los mejores que he probado en argentina. no recibi mi paquete todavia pero creo que llegara la proxima semana. estoy animado por los traslados esta semana porque creo que veremos muchos cambios en la zona. cambios buenos. y estuve pensando que voy a llevar una caja de alfajores a los estados para compartir y mostrarles como son. a mi me encantan los alfajores con esa masa hojaldre, con coco, dulce de leche en medio y chocolate arriba. son de diez. it was announced that on the 15 of august, they are going to start restoring the parts of our church that was burned, so we will be assisting in another chapel for 3 months that is a lot further away. :( but it should be interesting. to see how it works out. this week we found another family to teach pero viven en el barrio nueva españa that is kind of far away. we went looking for the familia fonseca but they weren`t home asi que aprovechamos de estar lejos and we started looking for new investigators. it was the first time that i have been in that part and i really liked it. i really feel like my area here is a combination of all of the areas that i have been in so far and i love that. today we have lots of plans and i think that we are going out to lunch today. i might buy my comp lunch because it is his last week. should be fun today. gracias por las cartas esta semana! i feel bad because i don`t have much time to respond to some of them but i`m working on that. i love you guys and i hope that this week goes very well for you. con mucho amor y ànimo, elder summers

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