Monday, April 23, 2012

183 Days to go...

¡hola familia! i can´t believe that this week i will have 18 months as a missionary!! wow! it goes too fast. things here in cinco saltos are going awesome. we are going to have a baptism for sure this saturday and i will have pictures next week. noemí is the mother of pablo, our ward mission leader and first councilor in the ward. both of them are very excited and i´m pretty sure that pablo is going to baptize her. noemí told us that she had a dream that answered her prayers. she wouldn´t tell us details because they are very personal to her and they were exactly what she needed to know for sure of what she is doing. we are very excited for her! i don´t know if i mentioned jorge yet, but he is also progressing a lot. he is lacking a few things for his divorce, and then he is going to marry marta, a woman that just moved into cinco saltos from neuquen and she wants to do the things right, so she told jorge that they need to get married if they are going to live together. they are an older couple, probably around 60 years old. while we taught jorge about the plan of salvation, it really touched him and he felt strongly that it is all true and is doing all that he can to prepare himself for baptism. we found another woman this week named ema that talked to the missionaries a long time ago and now wants to be baptized. she wanted to be baptized this saturday but wasn´t able to go to church yesterday, so we are going to have another week to help her get ready. melani is doing great. really excited to go to church every week. we are teaching her mom, herminia. she isn´t progressing as much but she really supports melani and wants to go to church with her. she didn´t accompany melani yesterday because sunday is her only free day from work and she decided to go visit her brother in neuquen that she hasn´t seen or talked to in over three years. those are the people that are progressing the most but we are seeing other miracles here in cinco saltos and finding many people that want to learn more. the ward is getting a lot better, and the members are even starting to leave their houses to finally do their visits with the inactives! the visits are long overdue but it´s sure helping. we didn´t reach 50 members in church yet but we are getting closer. in church, i was asked to give a talk about missionary work and how we can invite our friends and families to learn more about the gospel. creo que me salió bien. :) i´m so happy to see the results that we are having. the ward won´t change overnight but it is nice to see the progress already. fall is starting in cinco saltos and it is getting a little cooler. un poco fresco afuera, but i love this weather. it is very beautiful here, and i love when the leaves change and begin to fall. hey! and i loved the pictures you sent me! it was awesome seeing everyone together. i was going to write earlier but the ciber where we usually go was closed and we decided to do other things and wait for the siesta to end to be able to write in a different ciber. sorry i didn´t write sooner. and the bolsa of letters that we get every week hasn´t come yet, but i´m hoping it comes later tonight or tomorrow. it might not even show up this week because we have a zone conference this wednesday in neuquen but i hope that the office sent it... we spent the day pretty well though and we had an amazing lunch. i took a picture of it to be able to show off the belleza and majesty but i will have to send it next week with our pictures of noemí for her baptism. i was reading the book of mormon in alma and i really enjoyed 36:24-25 24 Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be born of God, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. 25 Yea, and now behold, O my son, the Lord doth give me exceedingly great joy in the fruit of my labors; i am happy to be able to share the gospel in cinco saltos and i have no shame in doing it. my companion, elder guillen, and i are working very well together and we are having a lot of success. we are very excited with our work and i echo alma´s words when i say that we have great joy in the fruit of our labors. thank you for all of your support. this is the best time of my life. i love you guys and i´m looking forward to hearing from you again next week! con mucho amor y ánimo, elder summers

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